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Bangkok United FC



Thai League 1 角: 10-5


Lamphun Warrior

曼谷聯合隊Bangkok United FCVSLamphun Warrior南奔戰士Head-to-head records, recent form, and league standings data

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Head-to-head records

Same Home/Away
Same League

All0Matches Wins 0 Draws 0 Losses 0

Win rate: 0.000% Handicap win rate: 0.000% Over rate: 0.000%

Corner over rate (>9.5): 0.000% Corner over rate (>10.5): 0.000%

Recent form - Home team

Same Home/Away
Same League

All0Matches Wins 0 Draws 0 Losses 0

Win rate: 0% Handicap win rate: 0.000% Over rate: 0.000%

Corner over rate (>9.5): 0.000% Corner over rate (>10.5): 0.000%

Recent form - Away team

Same Home/Away
Same League

All0Matches Wins 0 Draws 0 Losses 0

Win rate: 0% Handicap win rate: 0.000% Over rate: 0.000%

Corner over rate (>9.5): 0.000% Corner over rate (>10.5): 0.000%