Tipsme Football Discussion Forum

Users can download the Tipsme app to join the discussion forum and share their opinions, tips, and favorite moments with others. Some functions are only available on the mobile app.

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TipsmeUser records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

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TipsmeUser records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate



TipsmeUser records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

聊天室守則 1. 嚴禁發表任何色情及暴力等不雅內容 2. 嚴禁發表商業性質之文章, 如商業廣告 3. 嚴禁鼓吹或引導用戶參與非法博彩,亦不能發布或暗示索取聯繫方式等內容,Tipsme有權隨時予以刪除,並保留追究法律責任的權利

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Tipsme 問題/Bugs/建議回報區
TipsmeUser records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate



Tyler User records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

有冇琴晚跟足嘅手足?今日韓仔波都有料出 有信心💪🏻


cfyUser records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate



Tipsme官方帳戶User records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

- 全新打賞功能 用户可在聊天室打賞其他用家 如果對最新版本有任何問題反饋,請WhatsApp聯絡客服 客服WhatsApp: +852 9760 0685



運財心水推介 bug

運財心水推介 bug
燈神燒山User records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

㩒去一個月第五個冇反應,之後㩒其他都冇反應。我用緊iphone 11.


十八區大細聖子User records on Tipsme after posting tips may help improve winning rate

想問各位師兄用PayPal收錢 延遲到帳要等幾耐 因為都好幾日

Tipsme 2024

Produced by Datamount Solutions Limited

Tipsme is the first all-in-one platform for football and horse racing in Hong Kong. For football, it offers real-time scores, match discussion, and football tips trading. Whether you watch football or bet on football, if you are interested in football, this app is definitely for you. For horse racing, it provides data on horses, jockeys, and trainers, as well as horse racing tips. Download this app and start playing now! Available on the Apple and Google stores.

Click here to download the iOS version of TipsmeClick here to download the Android version of Tipsme

* Applicable to all iPhone, iPad and Android devices

Our Services

  • Mental health Service: Panic Killer App
  • Football News
  • Football Highlights
  • Real-time scores, odds data, team history, and unique same-handicap data
  • Real-time horse racing results notification
  • Horse, jockey, and trainer data, real-time horse racing odds, dividends, and rankings
  • Post tips
  • View tips
  • Record battle achievements
  • Discussion Forum
  • Provide football data analysis API

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